Watch and Listen


1. Neghittosi or voi che fate?

Recorded at Royal Concertgebouw in January 2022. In one of Händel's most fiery rage arias, Dalinda scorns Polinesso, who abused her love for his own evil schemes.

2. Quel sguardo sdegnosetto

Recorded at the Royal Concertgebouw in January 2022, this is one of my favorite flirty songs by Monteverdi

3. Exultate, jubilate

4. Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion

with Huub Ehlen & Ad Mosam BaRock December 2019, Parkstad Theaters KerkradeAs a particular Händel aficionado, the Messiah is one of Channa’s favorite oratorios to perform

5. The Fall of Jericho

With Alexander Weimann, Holland Baroque and Capella AmsterdamApril 2018, Tivoli Vredenburg, UtrechtAn adventurous performance: Channa was asked at one day’s notice to jump in and perform the world premiere of this newly discovered oratorio, making her debut with Holland Baroque. Broadcast live on NPO Radio 4

6. Polly - A Song

A short song by Alkmaar composer Willem de Fesch on Dutch tv


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1. Amor

One of Strauss' most virtuosic songs, especially arranged for Intercontinental Ensemble by Ernst Spyckerelle

2. Dante - Akhmatova Songs

The first song in the extraordinary cycle 'Akhmatova Songs' by John Tavener. The whole cycle is featured on my album This is not a lullaby.

3. Lullaby - Josef Malkin

A haunting lullaby on a poem by Anna Akhmatova, set to music by my father Josef Malkin. Featured on my album This is not a lullaby

Chamber Music

1. Hija mia

Podium Witteman at Uilenburgersjoel Amsterdam, May 2020With her duo partner, guitarist Izhar Elias, Channa performed this passionate Sephardic song on the Netherlands’ main tv programme on classical music, world music and jazz

2. Rocking the cradle

Live performance of Weinberg's Rocking the cradle on Dutch tv. I came across this song during a sleepless night after feeding my infant son, and it inspired the creation of my album This is not a lullaby.

3. Durme hermozo hijico

Podium Witteman at Uilenburgersjoel Amsterdam, May 2020One of Channa’s favorites, she sings this lullaby not only in concerts but also every night to her son as he falls asleep.

4. Canciones Españolas antiguas

Part of their Spanish concert programme, Channa and guitarist Izhar Elias love to perform these passionate Spanish folk songs